+39 info@flowengineering.it

Flow engineering

Specialized in the realization of systems on skid, laying of primary pneumatic systems and electrical wiring.

flow engineering


In order to better meet the needs of Customers, thereby offering a complete supply, and in the attempt to cut costs towards the selfsame Customers, Flow Engineering has developed strategic partnerships with some companies that work in the same production chain and provide complementary components, manufacturing and services.

It was born in 2014 as a business unit of the selfsame Flow Engineering, it is a stable and reliable partner.
It designs, produces and markets industrial burners that are used in the Water Bath Heater, Gas Heater, Air Heater, Water Boiler, Steam Boiler and Incinerator applications.


Italingenia S.r.l

With which Flow Engineering develops automation software and plants for Oil & Gas distribution and designs electric control panels.


Angioletti Vessel S.r.l.

It is a company that supports Flow Engineering in the mechanical construction of tanks, various equipments and skids, as well as in the construction of the Quick Opening Closures.


V-Lock Italia S.r.l.

It provides Quick Opening Closures, designing and following all the realization phases.

The QOC are “special valves”, that can be installed on several types of pressure tanks, such as traps, filters, manholes and so on.


Bongiorno S.r.l.

It deals for Flow Engineering of the activity of shipping mainly throughout North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, …).
